Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Busy, Very Busy, Very very busy....

Busy busy's the time of the year. Twice a year I will be very busy yet I still have a teeny weeny bit of time to update my blog (Ada ka urang baca blog aku? I wonder....)

My busy time is around February - March and April - June. The peak time is around June because that is where we have to prepare for our AGM every year. And I still have lots to settle yet I am still fooling around. Please slap me! Err....never mind, thank you, I'll slap myself.

Actually, I have a video to upload, but I have to ask for my hubby's permission first because it was his. Guess that you guys have to wait, okes.

Okay then, I have to go. I'll try to update as soon as possible that is when I am not in a busy mode. Ciao!

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